Monday, October 27, 2014

Home Selling Tip no. 01

Home Selling Tip no. 01

Every Room MUST Have a Purpose

-You know that little nook off of your kitchen that you use for extra storage? When trying to sell, make sure the room has a purpose for the new buyers. Maybe try setting up a small office or a two-seater breakfast table. 
-What about that tiny room that you use for a walk-in closet? Sure, the buyers may use it for a closet as well, but if its technically a bedroom, they need to see it as a bedroom to understand how it can work for them. 

Helping the buyers visualize their options will add to the appeal of your home. 
You want them to be able to see themselves inside every room. 

- A. Brown

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Enjoying the Scenery

In the real estate business you have many different types of days. You are very rarely in the same setting as yesterday.

Today I got to enjoy the perfect fall day known as Thursday, October 23rd. Temperatures in the mid-50s. Trees are beautiful in all their different colors....

Today I got to take a drive south to the town of Warsaw, Kentucky to hand deliver a contract. That doesn't happen very often with all the technology. However, sometimes deadlines and contract requirements meet at that exact point where you have to adjust your schedule and make that drive. 

Today was the perfect day for that. I had to push back some other appointments, but to breathe in that air and remember what time of year it is was awesome. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

"Isn't every Realtor like Josh Flagg?"

I got a phone call from my best friend over the weekend. We had lived together during college before graduating and moving in opposite directions. Her and her husband are just starting the process to buy their first home. 

She called to ask a few questions about the pre-approval process and then excitedly said "I can't wait for my REALTOR to fight for what I want. I want to see them be like Josh Flagg. Isn't every REALTOR like Josh Flagg?" 
We both started laughing at the same time... If you've ever seen Million Dollar Listing on Bravo, you know who Josh Flagg is, what types of homes he lists, that he does fight for all of his clients and that he is also a reality TV star. 

There are so many different types of real estate agents in the world. One of the best pieces of advice I can give any home buyers is that you want to feel comfortable with your agent. They are the professional who is representing you on one of the biggest (if not, the biggest) purchases of your life. You need to have a good feeling about them and trust that they will get the job done and they will in fact... Fight For You.

Every buyer has different requirements. Some want an agent who has been in the business for years and years. Other want the "new guy" who has all the time to give them. Some people want the familiarities of a referral whereas others want someone who knows nothing about them. Any and all are good as long as you, as a buyer, are comfortable.

So go find your "Josh Flagg"!

Happy House Hunting!

- A. Brown

Friday, October 3, 2014

Welcome Home Tip #1

Welcome Home Tip #1
:from the eyes of a NKY REALTOR

Today I showed a house to an investor. I've sold him a few houses, so the showings are typically quick and to the point. We look at the structure of the home, the plumbing, scour the walls with our eyes to check for signs of leaks; past or present. 

This house had a few appliances left in it. I'd say by the amount of cobwebs, it has been vacant for at least a few months. Neither electric nor water was turned on.

After seeing hundreds of houses - some vacant, some not - there comes to be an unwritten rule. A rule that must be followed. At all times.
When seeing a vacant you: DON'T OPEN THE FRIDGE

I can't begin to describe to you the stench that came out of that fridge. It was opened right as we were leaving the house and it stuck to our clothes like flies on honey. As we went outside, I don't think I could have held my breath long enough for it to go away.

-A. Brown